9 May 2009

Platform Wars; PC (Part Deux)

Right, where was I? Ah yes, Simon 1...

6. Simon The Sorcerer

Yeah, this one is alright. Like I said before, I think I preferred Simon 2. This one was a tad linear, and a bit too short for my tastes. Also I got stuck for aaaages, cause I didn't know there was a compost heap behind the house. Duh. Interestingly, Simon is voiced by Arnold Rimmer himself, Chris Barrie. I honestly did not know that.

5. Half Life 1, 2, and 2.1

This is three years old... Wow. But I only got it 2007, by chance for Christmas. If I'm honest, I've only completed Half Life 1, but it was AWESOME! Seriously, not a major fan of FPSs, but this was awesome. To the MAX. But HL2 plays kinda laggyily on my laptop so... Meh, I'll struggle. Note to self; Put Half Life 2 on list of games to play this summer.

4. Full Throttle
Oh yeah, now we're into the gems, and the third of Tim Schafer's games I've ever played... Full Throttle kicks arse. If you've never played it, do so, it's absolutely brilliant. Not only does it have some excellent puzzles, it's also got a wicked storyline. Kicking a door into a guy's face definately a high point. Oh, and jumping over a canyon. And hitting a bloke in the face with a chain as he rides off. Brilliant.

3. Maniac Mansion 2; DotT / Sam and Max Hit the Road
Okay, so technically two games but screw you, I got them as one. Both awesome, both funny (the latter moreso) and both point and click brilliance on a single disc. MM2 (first Schafer game I played) actually has the original on it, which was a nice touch (note; hard as nails). Sam and Max was awesome, and genuinely made me laugh out loud. Much better than the newer ones, which were also good =)

2. Grim Fandango
Oh yes. Probably one of the best looking games I've ever played (big fan of both Art Deco and Aztec architecture) and by far the most compelling. Second Schafer game for me. A fantastic storyline, a brilliant concept, some amazing puzzles, hilarious dialogue, brilliant voice acting and ultimately a fantastic game. Also, I got this from Woolworths (RIP)... Probably the last great adventure game, and maybe the best ever... Or perhaps it's...

1. The Monkey Island Trilogy
Yeah, it's a trilogy. In my mind, the last game was a travesty. A robotic monkey? Yeah, okay... But seriously, these games are, in all seriousness, the greatest ever adventure games, pretty much defining the genre for years to come... My personal favourite is LeChuck's Revenge, for the awesome puzzles, closely followed by Curse, mainly for the art style. If you've never played these, you should. If you own a PC, get them. In fact how awesome would it be if these came out on the iPod... AHH MINDCRUSH!

Actually, speaking of the iPod, I gots me a new game for it... It's got Gekkos =)
Till Wednesday, stay awesome y'all!

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