3 May 2009

Because I got nothin' else to talk about...

Had a rather busy Saturday yesterday. Well, busy for me anyway.

First thing I did was go to the theatre (hooray for culture) to see a performance of Waiting For Godot. But not just any old performance, no. This performance featured acting legends, Sir Ian "You shall not pass!" McKellen and Patrick "Make it so, Number 2" Stewart, who, as it goes, were both in the X-Men films together. It was a really good play, as plays go. I may even use it for my A-Level Drama exam, since there's quite a lot I could write about it...

But now onto more pop-culturey type-arrangements; X-Men Origins; Wolverine. I've been excited for this film for quite a while now and finally it's out, so I toddled off to the cinema to see it. As you do. Which also means SPOILERS AHOY!

As a film, it wasn't bad. Nothing fantastic, but there were some cool action sequences and the story wasn't too bad. I suppose the directors/writers must have thought themselves so witty for having a framed picture of a wolverine over a young Logan's bed, but there we go.
But the REAL reason I went to go see this film was because it had Deadpool in it, or Wade Wilson if I must, and not only am I a massive Mrvel fanboy, I'm also a big Deadpool fan. He was played by Ryan Reynolds, who is actually a very funny guy. Unfortunately, the film's producers had a look at Deadpool, and decided that they'd essentially RAPE his name and make Wade Wilson become Weapon XI... Sigh. That pissed me off, but I'd had so many ups and downs what with Wade apparently being killed off-screen within the first half an hour and then maybe not, but then he is a mega-powerful super-mutant... I dunno.
But then this whole debacle with the multiple endings... God, it's such an effing hassle. I stayed all the way to the end and got the lame one... Effing Hollywood. Roll on the Deadpool film I say...

EPIC PLOT TWIST! Red Steel 2 might actually be good! Samurai Cowboys GO! =D

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