31 Dec 2011

Wishing you a... hold on, stat check... Happy New Year!

It's been an RPG kinda Christmas for me this year. I'm not normally an RPG fan. Sure, I like my stats and upgrades in other games, but I've never been a massive roleplayer. If I have been at all, most of the RPGs I've played are western RPGs as opposed to Japanese turn-based affairs.

But this Christmas, I've gone all out and am playing RPGs than ever before, by complete accident. First I got Chrono Trigger on iOS. Then came along the beautiful surprise of Final Fantasy IX on my new (hah) PSP. Then Christmas happened and I got Skyrim. And I've just remembered that I'm in the middle of Dragon Age: Origins. SO MANY RPGS.

Chrono Trigger is still going strong. There's a section, about midway though the game where you fight several tough bosses in quick succession but, it never felt as though the game was ganging up on me. With out giving too much away, halfway through there's an amazing twist in the direction of the story and a whole new location is revealed. Needless to say, I'm having a great time. Even when this jerk showed up to repeatedly ruin my Chrono-Frog-Robo dream team;

This isn't even a major plot boss fight. He turns up,
you kill him, and that's it. No explanation or anything

23 Dec 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

Oh and it's Christmas too? I was talking about coming home for the holidays and spending six hours a day on the Xbox. As a serious point though, I need to take more breaks, I'm starting to get quite bad headaches.

Okay, moving on from that downer of an opening, I'M BACK HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! I finished up all of my deadlines before the end of term, and now I have a month to catch up on my gaming backlog. First on the chopping block is Assassin's Creed Revelations.

Nothing is True, Everything is- HEY PRESENTS!

5 Dec 2011

Pre-Christmas News Bonanza!

University deadlines being what they are, I haven't been able to finish up the blog post I had planned. It was going to be about RPGs and the such, but it just boiled down to me rubbing myself against Paper Mario and not an awful lot else. I'll just do a post about Paper Mario in the future, because I'm intending to finish the original over the Xmas break. I might even go the whole nine yards and buy "Thousand Year Door". Or maybe I won't. I love freedom of choice.

Retrospectively, I wish I hadn't used the phrase "rubbing myself against Paper Mario" That seems like a fast-track to horrific paper cuts. Anyway, no turning back now.

No real direction here, just a quick round up of things that have been happening recently before I knuckle down for the next few weeks.