23 Mar 2012

To Hell And Back Again, Again

I'm not dead, honest. Just busy. Busy busy busy.

Back when I started this blog, I was a fresh-faced young seventeen year old, heading into his final year of A-Levels. It was 2009. Things were cool. I'm now a grizzled twenty year old, made cynical by my years of work on an unforgiving Biology degree, facing my final year of university. I'm also doing my dissertation. Part of that is writing a blog about science, which you can read here, if you are so inclined. Anyway, onto games.

I was back at home last weekend, which meant it was time to have a go on the Xbox again. Also pay attention to my family or something, but mostly Xbox. I JEST. It was Mother's Day. Always remember to thank your mum once a year for being your mum. It's a hard job, totally non-optional and the pension options are bullshit. What was I talking about? VIDEO GAMES. That's it.

Specifically, this video game.
Yes, I'm talking about Dante's Inferno again.
Yes, I know I'm the only one who liked it.

4 Mar 2012

Livin' in America

I'm back. Turns out that bout of depression was a cold, and I'm a drama queen.

So you've probably heard the news by now. Assassin's Creed 3 is happening. And if you didn't...

There's so much awesome about this, I have nothing
to add but this self-referential statement