24 May 2009

...and when IS this free weekend?

So, I've done it. I've changed the name of the blog. Welcome to the grand (re)opening of The Starting Village. I think it works, and I googled it prior. There is no website called the Starting Village so I'm set, thankfully. I decided on it because the starting village is always where you take your first tentative steps of gameplay, which I think mirrors my situation quite well. So there we are =)

In a completely unrelated story, it was the TF2 free weekend... this weekend, and I thought it would be fun to download it.

Biiiig mistake.

It took so long to download the damn thing for a start. When I started, it had 3.3 days left on it. When it finally finished downloading, it had 3.1 days left. Not that it matter because I never got to even see the damn thing in action. After waiting about ten minutes looking at a simply delightful picture of a spy, medic and heavy, I got to the menu screen. I knew it wouldn't work when the screen froze for a few seconds when I clicked on the characters option. It then took another 10 minutes to fail to connect to a server.

Overall, it didn't go well. The closest I got to gameplay was starting my own server and staring at some nice blue and red crates. I thought I'd be able to just run around on my own shooting walls. Alas, Valve had foiled my scheme. So that concludes my view of Team Fotress 2; it won't work on my laptop.

I'm busy all this week, but I'll pop in for a mid-week chat about things. Stay awesome.

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