2 Jan 2010

Happy New Fear

Hooray! Rejoice! And other such sentiments! It's 2010, the start of a new decade, moving on from the zeroes to the tens (I'm insisting on calling them the tens. "Tenties" doesn't make any sense.) I think 2010 is officialing living in the future. I'm making this year my best ever. I'm gonna buy more lottery tickets.

So I didn't really say what I got for Christmas since I've been ill for a lot of it, and I've also been distracted by all the awesome games I've been playing. Here's a quick run down of what's on the table;

Borderlands; Really fun and awesome FPS and RPG hybrid, bit grind-fest at points, but always quite humourous
Bioshock; Brilliant-ness, but I can't go on about it, cause I'm writing something for NR
Mass Effect; This was really good, right up until the point when I actually had to start shooting at things. Then it all fell apart, cause the combat doesn't work.
Batman: Arkham Asylum; Holy crap Batman, it's the NewbReview GOTY!
Prince of Persia; Ehhhh....

ALSO. For Christmas I got iTunes credit. Hooray for that. So I bought DOOM Ressurection for the iPod. Why? I dunno, I was bored. As opposed to being a real first person shooter, it turns out it's a on-rails dealy, with a few interesting weapons, like a chainsaw, but apart from that, it's a pretty standard affair. Sometimes the accelerometer would become badly calibrated and I'd have to reset the game to fix it. Overall, not bad but not overly fantastic. I shoulda bought COD WAW Zombies...

Sorry about the lack of quality in this blog post. I've been busy with games and I'm still a bit sick. Also I'm lazy, and easily distracted, so I spent most of the time whilst I was writing this watching The Big Bang Theory. Go figure.

Right, I'm going to write an email. You didn't need to know that. GOOOOOD-BYE.

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