23 Sept 2009

Trench Warfare Fun in the Snow

Rejoice, celebrate and so on. After spending a whole half a day bouncing up and down staring out the window, just when I had decided to give up, the postman FINALLY arrived and I literally snatched the parcel from his hands. Maybe a slight over-reaction but I didn't care.

The result of this perplexing display of anti-socialism? I had gained the first two DLCs for Fallout 3, although because they came on a disk, we shall now be referring to them as add-ons.

First up was Operation Anchorage, a military simulation set during the communist occupation of Anchorage, Alaska. After investigating an emergency signal from some Brotherhood Outcasts, I found myself in the middle of a small battle between said Outcasts and some Super Mutants. After reloading my game because I accidentally shot one of the Knights (who decided walking into my line of fire was a sensible strategy) the group and I bested the Muties and moved onward to a Pre-War armoury containing a military simulation of the Anchorage ho-down. After leaping in without a thought for my personal safety, I found myself half way up a cliff with very little in the way of weapons. After receiving some exposition from a cliff-climbing American soldier, I wandered off along the cliff face to shoot some Communists, which cheered me up. Actually that was the second best part of OA; Shooting commies. It's more fun if you shout "Better dead than red!" or something similar every time you shoot them.

Anyway after fighting invisible Chinese ninjas and blowing up some rather large cannons, I found myself in command of a squad of troops, and this was where OA got slightly confused. You are given the option of putting together a squad of soldiers (or robots) to help you in fighting the Chinese, but there doesn't really seem to be much point to it. Allies can be respawned almost instantly, which bears no penalty, so the threat level is minimal. You also get to choose between a rather crap selection of weapon packs, and unfortunately there's no option of Chinese Assault Rifle. As much as I slag off the commies, they knew what they were doing with the Xuanlong.

The long and short of Operation Anchorage is that you get access to a ton of cool armour and weaponry, most prominently, the Chinese Stealth Armour. This is possibly the coolest piece of tech I've seen in pretty much seen in any game ever. Ever. Probably. Invisibility is awesome...

So the end word on Operation Anchorage is that it plays out well, with some odd squad based combat, but worthwhile rewards. Next time, I'll be shouting about The Pitt, and why I think everyone needs an Auto Axe. See y'all then!

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