13 Sept 2009

Unnecessary Update Column

A skewed look at the week's headlines in the gaming world...

The PS3 sales have gone up either 300% or 999%, depending on who you pay attention to. Sony have released a statement indicating a "300 percent lift in PS3 hardware sales". On top of this, Chart Tracker announced that the sales had rocketed 999% to 40,000 overall sales.
I just want to quickly shoot down all of the Sony fanboys stating this is everybody realising that the PS3 is clearly the best console. The reason for this rise in sales, incredibly enough, is the price cut, and also the fact that the adverts now actually mention what they are selling. Those "this is living" adverts where almost as poor as that original Xbox "life is short" advert.
I guess the positive of this is that Jack Tretton will finally have something else to talk about, because it's getting dull hearing him constantly tell us how incredibley powerful the PS3 is. We know Jack. We all know.

There will be no Halo Natal "until it makes sense" says ODST producer Alex Cutting, following with "...we are not going to produce a gimmicky feature that just takes advantage of motion controls when it doesn't feel right."
It's good to see that MGS aren't going to do a Nintendo on us, but I can't see Natal EVER being right for any FPS, let alone Halo. Unless it can actually scan me pretending to hold an assault rifle, then tracking my finger as I pull the trigger, Natal can't beat dual analogue controls. Even if it could track this, movement would still be an issue. I don't want to have to jog on the spot to avoid laser fire.

Courtney Love, or at least someone on Twitter who may be Courtney Love, is getting up in arms about Kurt Cobain's likeness. Going by the twitter moniker courtneylover79 (which sounds incredible fake, although that of course may be the point), she has stated "FOR THE RECORD I DID NOT APPROVE KURTS AVATAR FOR GUYITARHERO5" which completely goes against Activision's claims that they "secured the necessary licensing rights from the Cobain estate in a written agreement signed by Courtney Love to use Kurt Cobain's likeness as a fully playable character in Guitar Hero 5"
Apart from telling us that Ms. Love talks like a angry twelve year old fanboy, this story also gives us an insight into Activision's business dealings. courtneylover79, who has now blocked her twitter feed from unnaproved followers, states that "i was forced with literally a GUN to sell RIGHTS". Apparently Activision have decided to start holding people at theorectical gunpoint to get hold of lucrative rights. Of course they have.
I'm sure the only reason Kurt is in Guitar Hero 5 is so this sort of thing can appear on the internet.

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