13 Jul 2009

Machineguns, Shotguns and Bazookas, Oh My!

It's probably time I do a new post. It's been a while...

I tried Battlefield Heroes again, and by "tried again" I mean I've been playing it all week, but under the guise of a new character, the scruffy haired gunner Kaboomish. My commando was all uptight, and was called KnightHunter. Take a look.

Kaboomish just sounds awesome. Look at him. You know he's cool cause he's not wearing army uniform. Damn right.
So yeah after my previous post about how lame I am at Battlefield Heroes, I wasn't expecting anything different, just less invisibility. But as it turns out I'm much better at being a Gunner, probably because I requires a lot less skill, and more pointing the gun in a random direction and firing until whatever it is until it dies. I'm much better at that than all this aiming crap.

Playing a gunner is quite a different experience than being a commando. Mainly, you get to blow stuff up a lot more, with barrels or a bazooka. Tanks become a lot less daunting when you can take them out from afar with a rocket. I also get to use a shotgun, which is my "Weapon I Would Go For In Case Of Zombie Invasion", and I'm not too shabby with it, connection issues aside. I've been killing a lot more people, and coming last a lot less. More mid-table.
Driving vehicles is also much more fun, because when you jump out of the car/tank/plane, you actually have something to shoot people with, as opposed to a knife, which kinda sucks. The barrel is also a brilliant weapon for clearing capture points before attacking them, although I also use it as a parting gift for anybody who is killing me. I got the greatest kill on some guy who waved after shooting me, only to get blown up a second later. That'll learn you to taunt.
I've also been playing Cave Story, the freeware-to-WiiWare success story, but I'm gonna do a "Postcards from:" on that when I get a few more shots.
Until next time, keep on truckin', y'all.

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