16 Jun 2011

Revenge of the E3

SO. I'm back. And I've forgiven you, so let's put it behind us and we can move on.

My exams are over, and they all went fairly well. Except one. And there was that one which was disturbingly easy. Perhaps that thing were I was so stupid, I came out the other side as intelligent. Or perhaps vice versa.

It was E3 last week, but as I mentioned I was busy learning about cells, so I couldn't post anything. But now, since I'm done, I'm going to quickly run through what I liked, and what I didn't.

AC: Revelations; Another year, another Assassin's Creed. It's difficult to find anything to write really. If past instalments are anything to go by, it'll be just like the last one, only slightly better and with more stuff. And dat trailer..
Bioshock Infinite; Apparently, it's the best game ever made, so I'm glad I'm alive to see this.
From Dust; Downloadable God-sim, which will fill my need for something like Populous until Populous gets a HD makeover
3DS Showing; Super Mario, Luigi's Mansion 2, and Paper Mario all look to be fun. I'm particularly excited about Paper Mario.
Skyrim; Archery, fireballs, swords, shields, dragons, cat people. Very shiny, very awesome, very excited.
Wii U; Apart from having a name which I can't help but say like a retarded rodeo clown, Nintendo's new console does look pretty clever and I really can't wait to see what developers come up with for it.

The BAD;
Mario Kart 3D; I can't help feeling Nintendo have been a tad lazy on this one. Underwater and flying sections don't really seem to change anything.
Mass Effect 3; It's hard to believe, I know. But I'm having real difficulty getting myself hyped up for the final instalment. Whilst I do like the look of the Kinect stuff, I just can't see myself rushing out to get ME3 when it's released.
SW: The Old Republic; I was really quite excited for this. Now that I've seen it, less so. TOR is looking more and more like a re-skinned WoW. You might say the Star Wars covering makes up for it. Think of it this way; if you spread delicious jam on your sandwich full of glass shards, you still end up with a mouthful of blood.
Fable: The Journey; For Christ sake, Peter...

In non-gaming convention related things, I've been playing a few games in my down time. First up is the Virtual Console re-release of Link's Awakening. Just a couple of things...
 -It's not in 3D. Not even a little.
- Despite having an ability to save pictures, the 3DS fails to save the photos you take in game to the SD card

Despite these minor flaws, I still enjoyed the game. It's a fantastic Zelda adventure and is actually quite a deep game. The ending might not be great, but that's kind of a given with classic games.

Also, Sam & Max Season 2 and 3, but I'm not talking about that till next blog post. I need content, people.

And finally, Spiral Knights is a free to play, Legend of Zelda-esque action adventure MMO now on Steam. Go and play it.

Well that's it for now, I'll see y'all when I cruise by in the DeSoto.

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