20 Apr 2010

Cleaning Up The Wastes

I've made a return to The Capital Wastelands, since I can't think of any other games to play it the moment. It also satisfies my desperate craving to play New Vegas, which is looking brilliant. FORE!

Aside from collecting up all the unique weapons (and then immediately putting them in storage) I finished the main story campaign for Broken Steel. Three quests doesn't seem like much but there's quite a lot to do in each of them. The first one kills off the best character in the entire game (Liberty Prime!! NOOOO!!), the second scenes you to a sewer full of Deathclaws and the last has you laying siege to Enclave's headquarters. Overall, it rounds up the story well and allows you to get a pretty sweet weapon (the Tesla Cannon) out of the deal.

When I first got Broken Steel back in August, I didn't actually play any of the games missions. Instead I just used the raised level cap to allow me to gain some experience from killing Super Mutants (as if I need a reason) By the time I got round to the campaign, I was at round about Level 25, so most of the enemies I encountered weren't much of a threat. The exception is the Super Mutant Overlords, who appear to be immune to pretty much everything I can through at them. I've tried everything and nothing slows them down (except the dart gun).

It wraps up the storyline in Fallout 3 nicely, and it's nicely prepped me for my final Wasteland excursion into the swamplands of Point Lookout. It's gonna be fun on the bun!

Until next time, I'll be gathering as many cameras and sensor modules as possible to repair Liberty Prime as I can. See y'all alongside me!

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