9 Feb 2010

On the M2 to Hell

Back from the depths of Hell, and my hometown, I have returned, truimphant and bloodied, to type into a keyboard about Dante's Inferno. Hooray! Relevant gaming news!

I've got a copy of the real Dante's Inferno and I've tried to read it a few times, but unfortunately it's a poem translated from Italian, and a lot of the flow is lost in translation. I sort of get what's going on, but when Virgil is chatting for a page about something, and I realise I haven't got a clue what he's talking about.

However, Dante's Inferno THE VIDEO GAME forgos all that talky talky crap and just throws you into Hell, with the SCYTHE of DEATH and a MAGICALLY HOLY CROSS and says "Kill the crap outta everything and save yo lady" which is a lot simpler than a page full of text talking about sinners.

I picked up the Death Edition of the game, which, amongst other things, contains a code to download a Dead Space costume for Dante. Although it doesn't add anything major to the gameplay, it's quite fun to see Isaac waving a scythe around and blabbering about honour and God.

Dante's Inferno is a good game. It's not great and it's not revolutionising any genres. My major issue with it is that it isn't just similar to God of War; it IS God of War. Visceral Games haven't just taken inspiration from GoW, they've used some of the same ideas. I won't go into too much detail, cause I've thrown in my two cents to a review Crofterz over at the Newb Review wrote, so go and have a look when it goes up. Possibly today. I am not sure of these things.

I've actually completed DI, and in one weekend, which for me, is generally unheard of. I've also got quite a few of the achievements (side note; Dante's Inferno is a great achievement game). I thinking about taking it back to GAME and returning it to get all my money back, as opposed to a trade in, and then use the money to buy Bioshock 2 (and I'll still have some left over. Maybe I'll get this)

Well. I'm hungry so... Yeah, it's about lunch time. See y'all in Purgatorio!

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