7 Oct 2009

On PSPs and Podcasts...

Fresh from killing thousands upon thousands of mean in pink sweaters wielding baseball bats, it's me with...

The mid-week blog, here at The Starting Village.

The PSPGo! has been released and the entire gaming community has replied with a monumental "Who cares?" I actually saw one today. It's amzing how a) much it looks like an iPhone and b) crap it looks. But more to the point I've been thinking about getting a PSP 3000. Now that the new version is out, retailers have reduced the prices of the older models, so now seems like an apt time to buy. There are a variety of games on the PSP that I'm interested in, ranging from the older games (such as Daxter and the Ratchet and Clank games) to some of the newer releases (like Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, or Dissidia), so it's not like I wouldn't have a variety of stuff to play. As I student I really shouldn't but I did make a lot of money selling old games on eBay... World of Warcraft's sacrifice will not be in VAIN!

I've also been looking into making a podcast with gaming cohort of mine, Robert Akehurst. We've talked about a lot in the past and it's something that could be a bit of a laugh to do. We don't actually live near enough to each other to feasibley commute ever other week so we are looking into doing it over Skype. It does mean I have to buy a microphone, but I should probably get one anyway. You know, for all that microphoning that needs doing. So yes, stay tuned for more on that. I still gotta think of a name.

Finally, I just recieved Crash Bandicoot 3 in the post and it doesn't work. GOD DAMN IT. If I had a PSP, this wouldn't be a problem... mutter mutter mutter.

See y'all in the future!

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