17 Jul 2012


The astute of you might notice I haven't blogged for a while. In fact, I haven't done anything for two months.

Actually, no, I've done plenty. Final exams, moving home, Mass Effect, summer job, exam results, more job, job training, starting job, graduation, Mass Effect 2 and then remembering about my blog. There we go. The last two months nicely summed up.

So yeah, I graduated. That was fun. Look, here I am wearing a funny hat! I'm the one on the left. I think.

I'm going back in September to do a Masters in Science, Communication and Society. Won't that be fun?

Yes, hopefully.


I'm not a hundred percent sure why these guys even bother wearing helmets
Last time I was here, I was playing Mass Effect Uno, and it was going really well.  Alice Shepard was shooting people, and driving around and hooking up with sexy blue space ladies. I had all the best guns, and most of the good armour, and levelled up to max in all of the important skills.

Then the game was finished, so I started Mass Effect 2 and I promptly DIED, because, you know, Collectors.

Mass Effect 2 is a better MADE game than the original. It's far more streamlined, the combat is far better realised, the inventory management is infinitely simpler. The graphics are a bit better, the character interaction is more meaningful and over all the game just feels a bit more slick.

I still like Mass Effect Uno more though.

I know this isn't news or a particularly contrary opinion, but it does show that some times streamlining CAN lessen a game experience. I would never be so close-minded as to say "gaming shouldn't be made more accessible" but I do sometimes appreciate the point some fans about the "dumbing down" of a franchise.

No comment given, not least because I can' think of one

I've also been playing Wii Fit recently. Does that count as game? Probably not. As a tool for keeping track of weight loss and helping you manage targets however, it's damn near unbeatable. I've dropped about 7 pounds in the last month, and the Wii Fit has been helpful in that. I mean, the running two miles a day and watching what I eat a bit better has been the main driving force. behind it, but Wii Fit hasn't hurt. I've punched that virtual punchbag so many times.

Right, I'm off for a couple of days to go and lie in the sun, or swim in a pool or whatever it is that people do on holiday these days.

I'll be back when Tombi! finally gets released on PSN in Europe. SO NEVER PROBABLY HAHAHA

Seriously Sony, get on that shit.

See y'all next time.

Nothing in this picture makes sense, and that's exactly the way it should be.

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