10 Oct 2011

A Series of Tubers

In the interest of full disclosure, this blog post will be full of spoilers. No holding back. So if you haven't played Portal 2, you might want to go elsewhere.

It's difficult for me to say exactly what I didn't really enjoy about the original Portal. I once rather flippantly summed up my opinions with a simple "It's alright." but looking back on it now, I actually think it's the best description of my feelings towards it. Portal has a clever, original mechanic, and I enjoyed playing it, but I always felt it was too short. The game finished before I really got into it. I enjoyed GLaDOS as a character, but  I never found her as entertaining as everyone seemed to imply.

Perhaps it was down to the fact that by the time I got around to playing Portal the hype had died down. People had moved on from spouting "The cake is a lie" at every opportunity. Perhaps it was because I already knew about GLaDOS' true nature, so the final reveal was nothing special. But whatever it was, I left Portal feeling underwhelmed.

4 Oct 2011

The Story Continues

Back at university now, and all moved in to my new house. Access to the computer is restored. Trying to keep this blog up to date to help focus my attention somewhat.

My last blog was essentially a love letter to the fine humans at SuperGiant Games, so it's safe to say I've been having withdrawal symptoms from Bastion. As per the norm, my XBox is not with me, so unless I decide to buy it on Steam (which I probably won't) I can't play it for a while. It's probably the first time I've really wanted to play a game through more than twice, and it's not even an achievement driven thing. I revel in the world that Bastion creates, so just being there and experiencing it is more enjoyable than some entire games I've played.